A few weeks ago I photoshopped my recently purchased Back to The Future & Ghostbusters Lego sets onto an image of Mos Eisley and posted it as my Facebook coverphoto. My friend D.J. commented asking what these two movie franchises would be doing on Mos Eisley. I decided to take on the challenge and write them into a fan-fiction-saga of sorts. Read it after the jump.

The Arrival
The night was still. The only
sound that could be heard was the nocturnal animals and foliage that inhabited
the area. The tall grass swayed and was illuminated by a bright white
moon. The peacefulness did not last long
though. A sudden flash of lighting lit up the sky accompanied by what could
only have been described as thunder. In the center of the field of tall grass,
a mist could be seen rising but no orange or yellow light, that would normally
accompany a brush fire, could be seen. Seconds later two metal doors rise from
the tall grass like a bird preparing to take flight. Two men emerged from the vehicle. One was
tall with messy white hair and a long white coat. The lines on his face
revealed him to be of an advanced age. The other, a much younger man, wore
standard blue jeans, sneakers and an un-tucked white button-up. The older man walks around the car and
addresses the younger man, “Marty, I told you this would be the last time. I
can’t abuse this machine. You remember what happened the last time.” Marty
looks annoyed, “C’mon Doc. This is different, I’m just here to observe. I need
to find out as much as I can about the ‘First Men.’ I’d like to ace my
sociology class.” Doc looks at Marty, “What happened, you never heard of a text
book?” Marty ignored the slight, and began walking towards a large rock face.
“Where do you think you’re
going, Kid?”
“Homework.” Without waiting
for a response, Marty continued, “I read they like to protect themselves in
caves.” The pair began to move closer to the rock face in search of an opening
where they could explore.
“You realize we’re not going
to be going in there right?”
Marty nodded and said, “I know, Doc. We’re just here
to observe and report.”
and Marty glimpsed a dark patch on the rock face and determined that may be
their best shot. They approached the cave but made sure to stay several yards
back behind some trees. They stood waiting for what seemed to be hours, but
nothing happened. Marty began to inch closer and closer. Doc grabbed him by the
shoulder and pulled him back, causing Marty to fall back on a pile of loose
branches and leaves forcing the two to remain as quiet as possible. Seconds after the fall, Doc spotted movement
within the cave. He began seeing the shape of a man, walking upright towards
the opening of the cave. He crossed the threshold of the cave and walked into
the moonlight. He was looking directly in their direction. The man continued to
walk forward, never diverting his eyes from Doc and Marty’s hiding spot. The
closer the man got, the plainer it was to see that he was in fact not looking
at them, instead he was looking up at the sky. The look on his face, as far as
Doc could tell, was of surprise, confusion and fear. While Marty was busy
trying to be as still as the tree trunk beside him Doc followed the man’s eyes
to the sky and stopped in shock. He reached down his hand to Marty’s head and
slowly turned it towards the direction of the falling meteor.
forgetting everything that was happening arose and bolted towards the DeLorean.
Doc, in his best whisper/scream yelled at him as he ran, “What are you doing!?”
Without even so much as a glance and disregarding all instructions regarding
the volume of communication Marty yelled, “I’m not dying in this time period.”
Doc looked at him, annoyed “Dammit Marty, do you really think I’d bring you to
an age of extinction? This is probably just a regular, run of the mill,
meteor.” Marty finally reaches the DeLorean. Doc catches up with him moments
later and sees Marty in the car. “Listen Marty, we’re perfectly safe.” Marty
looks at Doc, “Did you see the look on that Neanderthal’s face? It’s like he’s
never seen anything like that before. If it really is a common occurrence then
why did he look li…”
was a loud crash several miles from their vehicle. Doc looked at Marty, “See?!”
After a couple of moments of silence, Doc ran towards the driver side, jumped
in and floored the gas pedal in the direction of the smoking wreckage.
The Delorean raced through
the tall grass towards the pillar of black smoke rising in the distance. Marty
grabbed hold of anything he could in the car, nervous about the lack of
visibility due to the grass. He turned to Doc in a panic, “Uh, Doc? I think you
should slow down a bit.” “Don’t be ridiculous Marty! There’s nothing out there.
There are no cars, buildings, or anything else that could possibly get in our
way…we’re over 100,000 years in the past. We are perfectly saf…” The tall grass
disappeared and a large clearing appeared in front of them.
In the clearing, Doc and
Marty saw an enormous metallic disk that could only be described as an
unidentified flying object. Doc slams on the breaks causing the car to skid
violently to a stop. Marty opens the door and lets it rise slowly. As he steps
out, he speaks under his breath, “Great Scott.” Doc walks around the car and
joins Marty who is staring blankly at the ship. “This is real ‘heavy’ Marty. Do
you know what this is?” “Looks like something out of Star Trek?”
A door beneath the ship began
to open allowing a sliver of light to shine through. When the door touched the
ground they saw a figure emerge from within. The man’s silhouette exited the
ship slowly in what looked like a crouched position and pointing a firearm in
their direction. Doc and Marty realized he was armed and put their hands up,
Doc yelled, “We’re not a threat!” The voice replied, “I’ll decide what you
are.” He approached them; gun still aimed in their direction. “Where am I?” Doc
responded, “You’re on Earth…3rd planet from the yellow star of the
Milky Way.” The man holstered his weapon “Are you two the only people on this
planet?” Doc began to slowly approach the man, “No we are time travelers…we’re
actually hundreds of thousands of years before we came into existence.” The man
began to laugh. “I’ve heard my share of bullshit, but this…this is one for the
history books.” Marty finally responds, “It’s not bullshit.”
“Whatever you say, kid. What’s your name
“I’m Marty McFly, this is Dr.
Emmett Brown. He invented the Time Machine behind us. And you are?”
“Solo. You can call me Han.”
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