Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The trailer for the new movie "The Lone Ranger" was released today. It stars Johnny Depp as Tonto and Armie Hammer as the Lone Ranger. You may remember Armie as the Winkelvoss twins in The Social Network or as J.Edgar Hoover's "friend" in J. Edgar. Anyway this makes me very excited. Johnny Depp looks unbelievably dope ("amazing" for the older readers) in that make up; hopefully his voice isn't too silly. Oh, and Helena Bonham Carter together with Johnny Depp in a non-Burton film? So much awesome. *Trailer after the jump*

 This movie was made by the Pirates of The Caribbean duo of Gore Verbinski and Jerry Bruckheimer, so you know it will at least have a great deal of action and explosions. I never really saw the show in the 50's but I do know it was quite a success. Hopefully they can capture the essence of what the original show was. Anyway enough typing...Here is the trailer.

Technorati - CVWH8HVQBMZY


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