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Sponsorships in Sports.

Crowd Funding

Awesome short film about the consequences of online piracy

Komics Help Kids!!

What happens when comedic genius is used for good!

J.J. Talks Mystery at TED

How does water and light teleport you to Tunisia

What's in a name...

Apparently A LOT of money.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to win an Emmy

When I first realized I wanted to work in television, and dreamed up the program I wanted to produce, I immediately thought: "Where can my program have the most impact." I thought about the various opportunities and choices I had as far as the channel where I would want it to air. I know it seems like a strange thing to wonder before my show gets piloted, but I think it is important to know what you can get away with on the air and what environment the characters in my show would inhabit.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Personalized. Messages. from. All-Stars

On my drives from Orlando to Miami I like to tune in to sports radio. Usually, they talk about how poorly the Dolphins or Marlins are performing, but today I was privileged to hear about a start-up company catering to the sports fanatic. This company is called Egraphs. If you are internet saavy, you can probably deduce the function of this site without having to actually click on that link. For those who would prefer an explanation...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The trailer for the new movie "The Lone Ranger" was released today. It stars Johnny Depp as Tonto and Armie Hammer as the Lone Ranger. You may remember Armie as the Winkelvoss twins in The Social Network or as J.Edgar Hoover's "friend" in J. Edgar. Anyway this makes me very excited. Johnny Depp looks unbelievably dope ("amazing" for the older readers) in that make up; hopefully his voice isn't too silly. Oh, and Helena Bonham Carter together with Johnny Depp in a non-Burton film? So much awesome. *Trailer after the jump*

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dexter's BACK!

FINALLY! Dexter has returned to my life, and it was glorious (Spoilers ahead.)